Saturday, December 22, 2007

Hi all, The girls are now almost 15 months old. I know I'm a little behind, thats what happend with kidlets. Both girls are now running aroun the house, wanting to be chased by anyone that will play with them. Scarlett blows kisses, Knows where her hair, nose and belly are. She likes to poke Daddy's belly button and she gives her sister huggs and kisses when she wakes up. They can both say Moma, Dada, boo woo ( which means dog), nana ( banana) and num num for food.
Emmerson loves to climb, she pushes things around the house to use as a stair to get into trouble. She loves to dance and gives the best bear huggs of anyone in the house. She also throughs temper tantrums, we won't say who she gets that from.
So we are all healthy and happy, love love love having twins, so much work but it's so worth it. To see them play together and make each other laugh, it melts my heart every day.
Merry christmas to everyone and happy new year.

These were taken at the nut farm in Westbank.

Mommy and Scarlett.

Emmerson Loving the outdoors.

Scarlett is not a big fan of the cold.

Emmerson in my pot cupbord.

Emmerson in the stove droor. She actually broke it, it is now worped and hard to open and close.
Not ment for chunky babies I guess.

Our beauty. Look at those eyes.

Our tiny angel.

Out tiny angel caught in the dish washer. Good thing they were all clean.

Christmas pictures.

Scarlett trying to reach the camera.

Yay !!!!!!!!! Finally a good pic.
Thanks girls.

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